
What We Do

Who are we?
​The National Alliance for Children and Youth (NACY) brings diverse nonprofit organizations together in a collaborative network dedicated to enhancing the well-being of children and youth in Canada. NACY provides national leadership and knowledge, and is dedicated to mobilizing and linking practice and research to policy development to support the changing and diverse needs of families on a pan-Canadian basis.
Experts agree that the COVID-19 pandemic has had significant impacts on young Canadians and these impacts are likely to continue for years to come as the ‘generation pandemic’ comes of age. In addition, the youth sector learned a valuable lesson in 2020, when the awarding of a Federal contract to WE Charity made clear the critical importance of ensuring that government partners are well aware of the breadth of organizations in the youth sector who do important and high-quality work, as well as their ability to be meaningful partners in program delivery. At a moment when young people need support more than ever collaboration amongst organizations hoping to support young people and a strong youth sector is essential. As is the youth sector developing a strong partnership with government partners.